

by Lázaro


Art has evolved with technology and the human Gestalt. Quantum Art is the next event horizon.

Quantum Art is a unique sub-genre unrelated to contemporary art, digital-kitsch, or painterly-abstractionism. 

The Quantum Artist resists the urge to embellish or manipulate.

The Quantum Artist is a disinterested vessel who does not try to shock, impress, or address socio-political issues. 

The Quantum Artist works in solitude, in a vacuum, void of ego, not guided by aesthetics, only the search for truth.

The Quantum Artist must be in the zone (the flow state).

The Quantum Artist acknowledges the evolution of art. However, Quantum Art is a quantum leap. It's instructed by the future, not the past. Therefore, any similarity to prior genres is coincidental.

Quantum Art's proof-of-work is toil, failure, and success. 

Quantum Art cannot be created with a computer. 

Quantum Art does not represent things or ideologies. It's not for self-expression. 

Quantum Art is not derivative, representative, or deconstructive. 

Quantum Art is self-organizing (Chaos Theory). 

Quantum Art is not static. It's in an excited state. It’s alive.

Quantum Art is not merely visual. It's cognitive. 

Quantum Art affects environments. 

Quantum Art is multidimensional, extending beyond its physical space.

Quantum Art creates a state of quantum entanglement between the artist, patron, and devotees. 

Quantum Art always starts with failure. If it doesn't begin with chaos, it's not Quantum Art.

“There are no absolute continuums. There are no surfaces. There are no straight lines. Don't fight forces, use them.” — Buckminster Fuller

“Spooky attraction at a distance.” — Albert Einstein

“Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” — Apostle Paul